When Engineers Hire Engineers and Other Talent, You Win.
Comprehensive Background Checks
Our clients spend less time interviewing unqualified candidates who would otherwise fail a background check. All qualified candidates must pass our comprehensive national background check as part of our required process.
60-Minute Engineer-Led Interviews
Engineers hiring engineers will drive better results and provide valuable candidate insights others miss. Each candidate undergoes a thorough interview, evaluated by experienced engineers to assess technical and soft skills, cultural fit, and candidate motivation.
20+ Years of Industry Experience
Founded by an accomplished engineer and entrepreneur with more than 20 Years of industry Experience: multiple patents, manufacturing, mechanical engineering, operations, reliability engineering, plastics, analytics, ML, AI, neural networks, management, advanced surfacing, non-linear finite element analysis (FEA), software development, and recruiting expertise.
“We were overwhelmed and struggled to find great candidates. Every recruiter we used before Austeva, wasted our time and sent
us unqualified people. Had Austeva start mid-week, by Tuesday the following week, they found 3 great candidates. We’ll definitely
use Austeva to help fill other roles.”
“We needed a specific candidate with deep experience with video compression experience in the medical industry. We couldn’t find
the right person after using several recruiters. We didn’t have high expectations for Austeva, but that quickly changed. They
delivered the right person in about a week, which blew my mind and made all other recruiters look bad. These guys are truly
“The interview went incredibly well. I wasn’t expecting several highly technical questions from a recruiter. The recruiter recognized
my servant leadership strengths and my technical proficiency. I’ve never experienced that kind of interview with a recruiter before my
interview with Austeva. They placed me with a great company – I love my new job!”
“I’ve never been interviewed more thoroughly by a Technical Recruiter in my life. Most recruiters only conduct a quick phone screen
then I interview with the company. Austeva helped me find a great job with an awesome company.”